We stumbled across On Frozen Ponds recently, a documentary that takes a closer look at the fun and passionate world of pond hockey, featuring the ice crews and administrators who run the pond hockey tournaments to the players themselves who vary from retired hockey pros to die-hard hacks.
Scott Crowder, commisioner for the Pond Hockey Classic, has granted us permission to "re-air" their four-part documentary on DOY. We're also hoping to do a Q&A with them, so keep an eye out for that. Until then, enjoy episode one of On Frozen Ponds: Only In New England…
Episode 1: Only in New England from On Frozen Ponds on Vimeo.
More on the documentary:
For more information about On Frozen Ponds and to learn more about the Pond Hockey Classic which takes place in New England, Lake Champlain, and Montana visit www.pondhockeyclassic.com. The 2014 Pond Hockey Classics are fast approaching.
Stay tuned for Episode 2: Battling the Elements, which airs 1/28. We'll have it on DOY soon after.
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