To the novice On the Menu picture viewer, this will look very similar to last week’s dinner, but there are subtle differences. For example, this is a cold marinade, so the pasta sat in the fridge immersed in the sauce — excuse me, the marinade — for about half an hour after being boiled, and it absorbed the flavor quite nicely.
Also, you will note that there are green leafy bits in the pasta. Last time out, it was parsley. This time, it’s basil. The two are substantially different. Last but not least, there are tomatoes and red wine vinegar in this iteration. Last time there was cheese. What I am trying to say is don’t judge a pasta by its cover.
I think I liked this a bit more than I liked last week’s dish, although it’s tough to beat cheese in a pasta dish. After the chili and mini corn dogs and French onion dip of the day before, it was a refreshing little palate cleanser.
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