On the Rambis hiring

Former Los Angeles Lakers assistant Kurt Rambis will be introduced at a 1 p.m. press conference Tuesday after signing what is believed to be a four-year contract worth more than $8 million.

President of basketball operations David Kahn said during an afternoon press conference today that it was “a very hard decision … the most important decision I have made” since joining the team in May.

Kahn said he made his choice based on three threshold issues: player development; his desire to be a running, up-tempo team; and a willingness to play young players for the first year or two, even at the expense of some wins.

“I think Kurt will excel in all three areas,” Kahn said.

Rambis and his family are scheduled to arrive in town tonight and he will meet with the players before Tuesday’s press conference.

Jonah Ballow/Timberwolves site talks to David Kahn about Rambis:
Ballow: What were some of the attractive points for Kurt Rambis? Obviously (he had) a long playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers and then as an assistant coach for the very same team. What was attractive about making this hire especially with his prior experience with a championship caliber squad?

Kahn: Well I think that was a big part of it. He’s won at a very high level both as a player and a coach. I was a big fan of the way his Lakers teams played in the ‘80s. And he knows that’s kind of the way – a running up-tempo style – we want to employ. So I’m confident he can do that.

I also felt from a player development standpoint, he really has a reputation for working with players and helping them improve as a teacher. I think he can manage our players, meaning he’s going to have to manage playing time and expectations as we grow this young team. I felt that he could do all these things.

The team said that Rambis is scheduled to be introduced as head coach at a 1 p.m. news conference on Tuesday.

“After a six-week search and thorough interview process, I feel that in Kurt Rambis we have found the best person to lead and develop our young team as head coach,” Kahn said in a statement. “Kurt is talented and hard-working, and his many years in the NBA as a player, administrator and coach have prepared him well for this opportunity.”

From TrueHoop: A Quarter-Century Later, Kurt Rambis Takes Out Kevin McHale

From Barkley’s Mouth: Will Kurt Rambis Get The Last Laugh?

“It’s ‘Best of luck’ that the coaching staff sends to Kurt Rambis as he takes on the coaching duties with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Kurt has been the workhorse of my staff the past few years. He’s worked with the youth of our team, coming in early and staying late to help players develop. Last season, he took on the responsibility as the defensive coordinator, a valuable part of our championship run. We will miss him, but know this is the time to do what he’s destined to do.”
“Kurt is one of the hardest-working and brightest assistant coaches we’ve ever had, and I expect he will be very successful with the Timberwolves.  Kurt has been a key figure in the success of the Lakers for nearly three decades.  In my mind he will always be a Laker, but we wish him the best of luck in Minnesota.”

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