By the end of the night, the Prudential Center had seen two great matches, a few okay matches and the return of Seth Rollins. A funny thing happened on the way to Seth showing up, though. Roman Reigns, the rejected prince that was promised (#Thrones) proved that a) he CAN in fact wrestle and b) AJ Styles nearly killed himself to prove that – and AJ also did a monstrous job of proving he’s the current WWE MVP (with Jericho a very close second).
While I’m not in a “never Roman” camp, I do think he has holes – but that those holes can be fixed. How? First, let him speak in his own voice, instead of a writer’s assumption of his voice. Second – let him turn on the crowd. As much as Roman is seen as the antithetical leader given the age of the workrate wonders, he’s held his own in the ring.
Hearing the Prudential Center chant “you can’t wrestle” at Roman and “you still suck” after seeing him hit crazy spots shows how much the fans see him as the corporate appointment. I’m not telling you what you don’t already know if you’re reading this article. But I do want to say this – anyone that can hit a picture perfect Black Tiger Bomb and hit a “hang loose” hand sign while waiting for the pinfall can wrestle.
He’s getting it and this trial by fire will be invaluable to him in the long run. As for AJ? This match is his 4th WWE PPV/Big Show and he’s lost the last three. While that’s not something I’m particularly ecstatic over, his 2 matches vs Jericho and 2 vs Reigns have done a great job of showcasing his talent not only to the fans that didn’t follow him in TNA or New Japan, but to WWE brass that might have reasons to reject AJ as “too small/too indy/too x” to make it as a top guy. Phenomenal job AJ.
Now on to the rest of the show:
Fatal Four Way for the IC Title – This was the second best match on the card for me. I liked all four men in the match and in particular the Miz ver 6.8 with Maryse has been a very good champion to chase. With Money in the Bank coming up next, it’s safe to assume one of the three contenders (Owens to me) is destined to fight for the briefcase, so it’ll be fun to see where things go next.
Rusev as US Champ (again) – Even if it’s just a placeholder until Big Match John(tm) reclaims the title and resumes the US Open, having Rusev back to his Lana-fueled violent ways is a welcome sight. It’s disappointing that Kalisto’s reign had been relegated to pre-show matches the last few months, but with Ru Ru running the scene, it should start to rehab the flatlining US Title.
Jericho, Ambrose and the Asylum – It’s clear after this match the WWE trusts Ambrose to be the Mick Foley of this generation. The former CZW star even now has a signature match – but unlike Foley, his appearance in this match will be highlighted by a victory. The thumbtacks were something I lost my mind over in high school and early college; at 35 I’m just watching in horror as Jericho sacrifices himself in a match that’ll get glossed over for the next WWE-made movie. Both guys brought their A-game, I just wish it were for a more invested crowd.
The rise of Corbin and Big Cass – They’re big. They’re young. They’re talented. Vince is definitely giving both a shot to fly as high as they can, but I’m hoping that Cass in particular isn’t given too much too soon. Tagging with Enzo and building to a long term dissolution is far better than turning Cass into baby Test.
Corbin has gone from someone I could watch if I had to, to someone I’m rooting hard to succeed. Sure, he needs more work in the ring, but the banter is gold.
Dana Brooke as the Blonde Arn for Charlotte – Seeing that Dana would be teamed with Charlotte was fun, if only to see her and Ric try to out strut each other while Charlotte celebrated. In the semi main event, the women’s champ acquitted herself well – and now that she has a burgeoning squad who knows? Maybe she’ll have her horsewomen after all?
Usos vs Anderson and Gallows – The Usos have been getting booed by association (via Roman) and the Bullet Club tandem has been losing matches left and right. Getting a win on a PPV event and
Good luck, Cody – With his departure from the WWE, Cody is taking a pretty bold chance on himself. Kudos man.
There are a few matches I enjoy of Cody’s but nothing comes close to the glee John Cena had singing Cody’s old theme.
And that’ll do it for this time. We’re a week out from the return of John Cena, prepare yourselves accordingly.
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