Open The Floodgates


All the mid-level guys who don't think they're mid-level guys are willing to leave the NBA to go make some bigger money in Europe.  It doesn't hurt that most of them are European.  Add Sasha Vujacic to the mix (and if you read further in that piece… Ricky Davis is rumored to be considering it).  Oh.. and Delonte West.  Oh… and Andris Biedrins.  Oh… and Carl Landry

All it took was one.  Now that Josh Childress, a pretty good player, made good on what used to be a laughable threat… these guys now have a bargaining chip.  But like I've said before… David Stern has a problem on his hands.  All of these players who can only be given part of an MLE are seeing the chance to make big money somewhere else.  You say every kid aspires to be in the NBA… but they're not going to just pass up $5, $7 or $10 million to do it. 

So what happens now?  It's anyone's guess.  I don't think EVERY mid-level guy is going to take off.  But I think a few might.  But what happens when they come back in 2 years?  Will the NBA be in the same place?  will they all be fighting for the same MLE again?  Will guys who don't deserve the MLE suddenly get it?  Will stars get less money so more is left over to sign the mid-level guys? 

I don't know the answers… but every guy willing to skip the pond and play overseas keeps bringing up more questions.  It's getting more interesting every day.

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