Oregon’s new uni’s with THREE helmets?? Just stop it Nike.

First of all, I hope all of you are well. I say that because yesterday I got some bad news about a friend of mine from high school who died a slow, horrible brain cancer death. She was a few years younger than me and Brandon and I used to hang out with her and a few of her friends. She was always very nice, a fun gal who liked to party and have a good time. She went on after high school to do extremely well at Santa Clara, even graduating with honors, and got involved in the software industry, climbing the corporate ladder with good success. She was diagnosed in 2002, fought it off, but it came back hard this spring and just destroyed her. Very sad. She leaves a husband and two golden retrievers who no doubt are missing her this very moment. I guess when someone that young loses their life, it puts you in a weird state of mind where you think about your life, your family and friends, and how you will be remembered. Things like that make me want to be a better husband, father and friend to all, know what I mean?

Anyway, enough of the gloom. Anyone see the new Oregon uni’s? Forget two helmets, they now have THREE versions! Geez. Oregon is Phil Knight’s baby, no doubt, and they are going to always be on the cutting edge in Nike trends, but it just seems odd. They will always beat us in the “arms race” so to speak, that’s just what they do down there, and hey, if Phil Knight is willing to write the checks, why not have plasma’s and state of the art facilities and uni’s the only 18-22 year olds could love?? Check it out. The weirdest thing is the numerals. Look at Dennis Dixon’s #10. Looks like #70 to me!:

Oregon's new uni's with THREE helmets?? Just stop it Nike.

I guess I’m just partial to our old school, clean looking uni’s. Although I’d be thrilled to see those fire-engine red pants disappear!!

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