
Where do you stand? Is Ortiz’ reputation being permanently shattered by a New York newspaper without anyone in the know speaking “on the record.” Or, are you amongst a number of Red Sox fans who felt that it was only a matter of time until this news broke?

Part of me wants to give Ortiz the benefit of the doubt. Give him time to respond and set the record straight. But, this is what is really bothering me:

“No comment.” “I’m not talking about that anymore.”

If you were one of the most famous ballplayers in baseball history and a reporter from the New York Times wanted your comment on a story questioning your integrity, and potentially permanently tarnishing your reputation, wouldn’t you unequivocally defend yourself? A statement from Ortiz along the lines of “I never used steroids and this report is completely false,” would have left Red Sox nation feeling like somebody from New York was out to get Ortiz.

“No comment.” Well, that just leaves you feeling like your hero may have let you down – big time.

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