Other Results From The Dave Littlefield Poll

The What is Dave Littlefield’s Legacy? poll has been up for too long, so its time for a new poll.

Before I reveal the latest poll, I want to show the answers you submitted in the Other section. I said to make them interesting, and you did not disappoint.

Some have been edited/censored. I try not to be overly crude at PSaMP.

– Fa*goty Retard
– idiot, moron and all-around bad gm
– vomit
– Borderline Retard
– Woohoo Izturis, we’ll win for sure!
– jackass
– smells like donkey vomit
– crazy f*cking bastard
– fa*got
– go to wikipedia and look up ‘douche’ … it is DAVE LITTLEFIELD to a T
– inside the athletes studio… littlefield a douchebag.. im willing to discuss
– im bored at work and want to get my point across that he is a douchebag
– thanks for the shout-out… glad you agree he’s a huge douchebag
– total douchebag
– free-basing douche
– bag o’ douche
– nutting’s nutsack
– blameshifting non talent
– a jackalope
– typical new age upper management
– The Biggest Douche in the Universe
– Kid Toucher
– Ass Clown
– DOUCHEBAG… in caps and in bold font
– did i mention he’s a douche?
– douchebag
– Nutting’s personal prostitute
– douchebag
– douchebag
– douchebag
– douchebag
– douchebag

I have to say, vomit might be my favorite.

3 people think Littlefield is the best GM of all time. I hope that was sarcasm at its finest.

Nutting Puppet wins with 28% of the vote. Douchebag, or other variations of douche, which was not even a provided choice, was 2nd with 20%.

Well done.

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