Ozzie Being Ozzie

Ozzie Being OzzieCould you imagine Ozzie managing in Boston? The media would have a field day because he would create a firestorm with every post-game press conference. Last week he was suspended by MLB for saying he had his pitcher purposely throw a bean ball. When he got back to the team he did not shy away from the microphone and immediately chimed in about the Manny situation with:

“I don’t know because I wasn’t there, but believe me, I never think Manny’s a quitter and he never will be,” Guillen said. “That’s the way he played the game, but they created their own monster. They created Manny. Manny was Manny, and now all of a sudden Manny’s not Manny.

While I think Ozzie is an a-hole most of the time, he is entertaining because he has no filter and says what’s on his mind no matter the consequence.

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