Pac-10 and Auburn previews now live

Pac-10 and Auburn previews now live
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“And David put his hand in the bag and took out a stone and slung it. And it struck the Philistine on the head. And he fell to the ground. Amen.”

Sniff sniff! See, if little Hickory can win State, the Cougs can win at Auburn! 🙂

Actually, a really funny side story as a Did-You-Know segment. Did you know that Bill Doba actually knows the real “Norman Dale”, who is actually named Marvin Wood in real life? Doba said in an interview a few years ago that he knew Wood for many years, and said the whole town of Milan celebrated when Wood coached Milan to the 1954 state title by giving the coach a washer and dryer as a thank-you gift. Wood would coach until 1999, before dying from cancer. How about that!

One more great quote from Hoosiers:

“Forget about the crowds, the size of the school, their fancy uniforms, and remember what got you here. Focus on the fundamentals that we’ve gone over time and time again.

And most important, don’t get caught up thinking about winning or losing this game. If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential, to be the best that you can be, I don’t care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game, in my book we’re gonna be winners!”

Oh yeah, I put up a Pac-10 preview and finally an Auburn preview today. Check it out on AOL.

I have to say, Brinkhater, GREAT job so far. I know personally how amazingly busy you are these days and it’s going to get worse, so I am happy to see how much you are putting back into the WSU football blog! Keep driving the bus my man. I’ll do my best to keep contributing as well.

How about ASU struggA-LING with Northern AZ last night!??! 14-14 into the 4th quarter?? Wow. I know like Doba said last year, when you play a team on a low level like that, you expect to complete every pass, score a TD on every possession and hold them to 3-and-out every time, but as we know all too well, the lower-level teams these days aren’t exactly pushovers anymore. Talent is spread all over today more so than any other time, maybe in the history of NCAA football, and that won’t be the only game this weekend where you scratch your head at an unexpected final score or two.

I’m on the bus with you on losing tomorrow night. Not by the margin you claim, but I do see this as the epitome of the “logical loss”. But I firmly believe they will be a better football team from top to bottom after than game than before it, and it will be something that they will consider a plus as they embark on the rest of the season. For I believe they will battle until the end, and as the season wears on, they will look back to that and know that if they can stand nose-to-nose with Auburn on the road, they can play with ANYONE in America.

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