Pascal Leclaire Refuses to Give Up

George Hainsworth, it’s time to worry. Your single season record of 22 shutouts may soon be in jeopardy. OK, maybe not, but this kid in Columbus is making a heck of a run.

Last night, Blue Jackets goaltender Pascal Leclaire earned his seventh shutout of the season.

Pascal Leclaire Refuses to Give Up

Let it be known to all that Pascal Leclaire will surrender to no man! Not Gary Bettman, not anyone. Especially not you, Mr. Hainsworth.

If you’re keeping score, Leclaire is currently on pace for 16 shutouts. It’s no 22, but it’s still damned impressive. Only six goaltenders have ended a season with a double digit shutout total since 2000-01, Marty Brodeur recording the highest total, 12, last season.
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