Pat Kane Speaks..and says nothing

Pat Kane Speaks..and says nothing

I’ve never understood why players who have just been arrested, make public statements. First off, you can’t say what happens because of the legal process. Secondly, you either say you’re sorry or declare your innocence. Finally, you only speak for 30 seconds and don’t take questions from the press, which becomes a huge let down for the viewer. Well for all you fans who wanted to see what Pat Kane said about his fight with Travis Bickels, here it is:

“Because I’ve put myself in being in the wrong position in the wrong time, I’ve caused a lot of pain for my family, my hometown of Buffalo, the city of Chicago, the Chicago Blackhawks and obviously the great fans we have here in Chicago,” he said. “And for that part, I sincerely apologize. Now it’s time for me to move forward.”

Riveting speech. Up there with the Gettysburg Address. Told me everything I ever wanted to know about who the real Pat Kane is. Wake me up when the trial is over please.

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