Paterno’s Wins Restored


The NCAA restored 112 wins that they previously took away from Penn State as one of the many punishments they handed the university due to the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal. The new deal also directs a $60 million fine to address child abuse be spent within Pennsylvania and resolves that lawsuit.

However, the wins weren’t the only thing that was restored. Justice was brought back to Happy Valley today.

Penn State President Eric Barron said in a statement: “I want to thank Sen. Corman, Treasurer McCord, and the NCAA for their efforts to bring about an outcome that is in the best interest of Penn State. I also want to thank the hard-working students, staff and faculty at Penn State who have ensured the highest level of compliance and ethics. Finally, I want to make it clear that we have a tremendous alumni community that cares a great deal for Penn State. It is my hope that this agreement will continue the healing process for all.”

As a Penn State fan, I’m incredibly happy for the Paterno family, and the players that played for the Nittany lions anywhere from 1998 through 2011.

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