Paul’s First Pitch


This is part of the pregame celebration of the Boston Celtics World Championship (I'll NEVER get tired of writing that).  It starts with the team sprinting out of the center field doors… then there's Paul Pierce whipping a pitch that would have been 3 feet over Big Papi's head… and then the guys all head into the clubhouse to continue drinking. (Here's a good clip of how that looked from the crows…. and Here's a clip of the duckboats driving around the field in the pouring rain)

Some observations:  These guys were flat out giddy.  I know those were grown men… but what makes this whole thing so awesome is that they're acting like any of us would act out there.  They were jumping around… laughing and joking… being goofy. 

And all of that… all of the legitimate joy and celebration… makes this championship more special (at least to me).  The Sox were almost more relieved than anything… and the Pats were following the lead of stoic Bill Belichick.  The C's, however, are acting like happy little kids out there… and I love it.  It is sports after all… and they're enjoying the hell out of the moment.

Then again… a lot of those guys were probably drunk (did anyone hear KG's interview from the pre-party?  Definitely buzzed.  Someone get that clip onto YouTube.. STAT!)… so that probably helped

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