Pedroia’s Blast Is Not Enough For Red Sox

Pedroia's Blast Is Not Enough For Red SoxJon Lester and Mark Buehrle were locked in a pitcher’s duel for the early innings but Chicago had a 1 run lead after 3. In the 5th the ChiSox were able to get to Lester a bit and added 2 more. The White Sox added one more in the 7th when Boston allowed a runner to score while they were involved in a rundown for the third out. The Red Sox entered the 8th down by 4 but Dustin Pedrioa hit a 3-run homer to put them back in it. Youk got on and Lowell looked like he was going to walk and bring up Bay with the tying run in scoring position but he swung at ball four and popped it up to the catcher. Chicago added another run with a homer in the bottom of the inning and Boston would need to get two against to tie against Jenks. Casey came to the plate with 2 outs and a runner on in the 9th but grounded out to end the game. The Red Sox offense was held to 5 hits by superb pitching by Chicago (aside from Dotel). Lester looked good for most of the game but was not the ‘ace’ we have seen lately.

Sox Lose 5-3 BOX SCORE

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