Pesky Booted from Dugout

NOTE: You can find the Know Thyself 2007: Boston Red Sox‘ by clicking here or scrolling past this article.
You would think that the MLB would be cognizant of baseball history and embrace it as fully as one could, considering the history of the game is one thing that separates baseball as a sport from the others.

The Red Sox knew they were violating league rules, but still plan to fight for Pesky being allowed on the bench during games.
“We’ve been breaking the rule all along,” Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein told the Boston Globe, “and they told us they were going to strictly enforce it — heavy fines that progressively get heavier every day he’s in the dugout.
“We told [Pesky] we were fighting it,” Epstein said. “But MLB is unwavering. [Pesky] was a little upset.”

Yes, it has been against league rules for years. But who cares? Dan Duquette raised a stink a long time ago. The Baltimore Orioles did most recently, as did the majors. In each instance, Pesky returned to the dugout … the fan favorite … the ambassador of Red Sox baseball …
Ridiculous. Here’s hoping there’s enough outcry that the rules are modified. Losing Johnny Pesky due to some stupid rule would be a crying shame.

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