Phillies unveil new conditioning and training center in Clearwater


Pitchers and catchers reported today, and by all accounts everything seems to be going well. As expected our timelines are being filled with warm images of players stretching, throwing baseball’s, running and more.  While these images bring a smile to our face as we get a glimpse of summer in the middle of February, I was more taken by this image of the new conditioning and training center at the Carpenter Complex.


Just based on this one image, the new space looks pretty sweet, complete with Phillies logo at the center of the room, hurdles, treadmills, elliptical machines and all of the other appropriate gym equipment you would expect to see players using to stretch and work their muscles.

I’m no expert but it appears to be something this guy would approve of.

Related: 9 Reasons to be excited about Phillies spring training

Curtain call to Ryan Lawrence for the image.

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