Phoenix @ Wolves 4/9/12

Sorry folks for the lack of game threads. Feel free to discuss the game tonight here if you wish; otherwise check out our forums on the right side of your screen.

Call me crazy, but I have a good feeling about tonight. Rubio is rejoining the team (allegorically, the day after Easter), secondary injuries are subsiding, Barea might be used to his role by now. A few practices under the feet. This team needs an April win badly. Need to get ahead of Portland to minimize the Hornets pick armageddon as much as possible. 

And furthermore, any damage the Wolves can do to the teams competing with Utah for the final playoff spot is good damage. Should Utah sneak in, the Wolves end up with their 1st round draft pick. So, the Wolves have something to play for in a sense tonight. 

Tonight’s contest will be on ESPN2 at a late 8pm start time.

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