Photo Essay: This fan says it all

 Ray lebron fan

Photographs of NBA games unintentionally catch funny or interesting
moments.  When we see those kinds of photos, we'll show them to you in
a little photo essay of the previous night's game.

Late in the game… LeBron harassed Ray Allen and the rest of the offense just ground to a halt.  This fans face and gesture sums up the entire 4th quarter.  "WTF is going on?"

Me in the background 

That little grey smudge under the arrow leaning against the railing…

That's me. 



This captures everything I hate about Anderson Varejao.  Oh man… that look just makes me want to punch him in the jaw. 

Lebron on table

Hey everyone… look at LeBron!  Sheed shoulda knocked him right off.

Ray blocks lebron

This is a clean block.

It was called a foul.

That is all.

All photos courtesy Elsa/Getty Images

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