Photo Gallery: KG had a blast in China


                                                    Photo Gallery: KG had a blast in China

I honestly think that KG had more fun in China than his fans did. He brought his energy and emotion to each appearance and event. All of the fans & media I’ve spoken with said that he was so much fun to be around. Despite a packed schedule of commitments, I was told he was up each morning at 5am to do his 4-hour workout. A few other significant things from his trip:

1) During an interview with the Chinese media on Saturday, he confirmed that wife Brandi is pregnant with their 2nd child. Rumors to this effect started to circulate about a month ago.

2) According to a source, while at his appearance in Chengdu, some Lakers/Kobe Bryant fans apparently threw “garbage” at KG from the front row. Security quickly removed the idiots from the event.

As I write this post, Ticket is on his Gulfstream, headed back to California. The next thing on the schedule for him? Training camp. Hope you’ve enjoyed my coverage of KG’s China trip-here are some more pics via OSports & HoopChina:

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