Pick #5 New York Jets – Mark Sanchez, QB, USC

Pick #5 New York Jets - Mark Sanchez, QB, USCWhy is there some European guy as the CEO of Kentucky Fried Chicken? That is exactly what’s wrong with America. Anyways, the Browns traded out of their pick, and the Jets moved up. I should have figured everything out when they came back from commercial to raucous cheering. Interesting that Eric Mangini let his former team, the Jets, have the pick. They cut to Mark Sanchez putting on a jacket, and Berman said that they were “investigative reporters” so they assumed he was the pick. Obviously, they were right, but think about that. Keyshawn Johnson an investigative journalist.
Anyways, after the pick, they cut to the crowd where people were crying, both out of joy and out of absolute chagrin. My favorite were the two guys holding their heads in disbelief just repeating “horrible”. Among the joyous was a guy wearing a Wayne Chrebet jersey. Delusional all around. I love the draft. The Browns did a wonderful job with this trade, picking up the Jets 1 and 2 as well as 3 players, including QB Brett Ratliff, because apparently you can’t have enough quarterbacks.

Song: Petey Pablo – Boy’s Bathroom (ha!)

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