PJD’s Humping Turkey Day Linkstasy

PJD’s Humping Turkey Day Linkstasy

We’re continuing a weekly feature where we fill space by bringing you the best and greatest links from around the interwebs in the last week. Some may have to do with Vikings football. Most probably won’t, though. And at the end, we’ll send you off with our song of the day. Hopefully, this will be a good tool to help you get through this terrible midweek slop fest so you can just go home and masturbate, before you smile knowingly to the in-laws at Thanksgiving dinner, of course.

Any tips, links, laughs, videos, suggestions, Twitter feeds, people to make fun of, Vikings related or otherwise, that you want to see here send to [email protected] or leave a message in the comments. Totally awesome links after the jump …

Vikings Gab 2010 Free Agents: The Vikings Gab fellas do a great job of bringing the offseason to you during the regular season. My suspicion is that they enjoy the free agency period as much as any purple blooded football fan out there. Unless you’re a Ravens fan, because then you sign people like Matt Birk. Anyway, here is there run down of who the Vikings will have becoming free agents in 2010. Nowledge!

Mauer is MVP: MPR chimes in with their dry take on Mauerburns as MVP. It’s a bit sobering, because great, he won MVP but the Twins were made the Yankees bitch in the playoffs, rather predictably as well. And it still doesn’t erase that “foul” ball that Mauer ripped down the line. Stupid fucking umps.

Viking Age Seattle Recap: After every game, Viking Age does a “10 points” recap. Usually they are spot on and comprehensive. Dan Zinski does a nice job of cover many angles while also being a manageable and humorous rube without resorting to gay and dick jokes. Not so here!

Secret Tweet: I love this Twitter feed. Some of the things posted are pretty morbid. Like, “When I see a large window I wonder what it would be like to jump through it”. It would probably hurt, you fucking idiot. Wow, I love stupid people. It makes me feel good about myself to put others down, you know? /cries.

KSK LOLNFL Week 11: The KSK LOL pictures are obvious much better, poignant and funnier than anything that has ever been done here, so if that isn’t reason enough to go check this week’s sampling out, I don’t know what is. My favorite for the week? The Saints one, although I would have gone with something a little more drown-ey.

Vikings News and Notes: Does anyone pay for Viking Update premium content? I can’t imagine there is too much of anything there that would warrant such payments, but if it’s anything like their little news and notes section it could be! Just kidding, it’s not, because this free shit is enough to keep me reading.

Something Sexy: Because I like you and we all like boobs. Glorious, supple breasts that feel like bags of sand. Right?


Here’s your send off music. Best of Hump Days to you!

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