Poll: How the mighty have fallen…

New Poll Question:
Who will end the year with greater offensive production?

  • David Ortiz (currently -11.2 Runs Above Average)
  • Julio Lugo (-1.9 Runs Above Average)
  • George Kottaras (-3.1 Runs Above Average)
We’ll be using Fan Graph’s Park Adjusted Batting Runs Above Average based on wOBA as our measuring stick.  In season ZIPS projections have Ortiz ending the season at .244, 21 HR, 89 RBI.  If he can get there, I think he’ll take this race.  But is that too optimistic a projection based on what our eyes are telling us today?
As always, new poll is up to the right…vote away and argue it out in the comments.

Previous Poll Results:
We asked which of the following was least likely to occur over the past homestand.  While none of them came true (i.e. all of the negative scenarios played out as expected), I think we collectively nailed to likelihood of them happening as they did in order.

Poll: How the mighty have fallen…
Julio Lugo’s error in the first game of the series effectively ended the hopes that Red Sox SS could play error free defense.  Ortiz continued to struggle and Daisuke was, well Daisuke.  If not for Omir Santos, the Red Sox would have taken five games over the homestand.  
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