Poll: Umm…Go Yankees?

Has it really come down to this? With the main competition, the Tampa Bay Rays, facing off against the only A.L. East rival that has mattered for as long as I can remember, the New York Yankees is this the week we finally see Red Sox Nation don the pinstriped boxers to match their red socks?
Who will you be rooting for in this weeks Yankees/Rays match up? Vote now in the poll to the right.
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Which new waiver addition or September call up will have most impact down the stretch?

  • Paul Byrd

    47% of all votes

  • Mark Kotsay

    29% of all votes

  • Michael Bowden

    16% of all votes

  • Other

    8% of all votes

So far…we’ve seen contributions from the all three of the top vote getters.

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