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Man, I miss Hopper…

Saturday is the deadline for underclassmen to declare for the NFL draft, and we’re already seeing a lot of news regarding decisions on the national scene- Luck is staying, AJ Green is going, Ingram insures no Heisman repeat, and LeShoure from Illinois is jumping ship as well.

But for Buckeye fans, the questions swirl about the five/six student athletes who will be required to miss gametime next season- Will They or Won’t They stay?  All the verbiage has been positive to this point- “sticking with the plan”, as it were, but stranger things can happen. Even Brewster, the guy many thought would be the #1 center drafted, has been under a microscope and has stated he wants to come back for one more year.

What do they do, Buckeye Nation?  And what would YOU do? Let us know what you think in the comments section below…

Also, over at Fox Sports Ohio  (motto- “We’re not ESPN. You’re welcome.”) they’re giving you a chance to weigh in as well- Be sure to pop by and make your voice heard!

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