Post Game Haiku #63

Post Game Haiku #63

Won on the Island.

Too bad many weren’t watching.

Do you like fish sticks?

Other News Bits and Hits…

    • According to the forums over at HFBoards, there’s a thread dedicated to Ron MacLean revealing Mike Fisher as an Olympic reserve on Hockey Night in Canada. I wasn’t able to catch the game until late in the the third period, so I can’t really verify whether it was said. (Ed. note: I have tried to verify it but haven’t found any reputable sources.) If someone can corroborate the story in the comment thread, it’d be much appreciated.
    • Although it seems doubtful that Fisher will actually suit for Canada, maybe he will get a sweet plaque to add to his wall and commemorate his inclusion. (h/t to Erin Nicks for the video. Forward to 1:38 of the video.)…


  • According to the Binghamton Senators Twitter, Jonathan Cheechoo scored a goal on an end to end rush. (Ed. note: Apparently, he’s also playing on a line with Josh Hennessey on a Bad Trade Returns line.) I can’t wait to see this highlight on YouTube. Was the opposition playing on sledges? Cheechoo must have had some sweet dangles on his rush because you just know he wasn’t his blazing speed. Way to go out on a good note Cheechoo. You can now rest easy. Enjoy your NHL-esque two week vacation while the rest of your Binghamton teammates fight for a playoff position. No one should resent that. Much…
  • With this afternoon’s win, the odds that the Senators make the playoffs is now at 99.4%. That’s almost as high as the odds of Alexandre Picard never coming back to haunt us.

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