Power Off The Bench

I hate to push Andrew down the page, but I had to get this out because of a signing we made yesterday. Earlier yesterday, I had been thinking about the Red Sox and any potential weaknesses. Well, I found one.
We potentially have a bench of:
C Josh Bard
1B JT Snow
2B Alex Cora
OF Alex Stern/Dustan Mohr
2B Tony Graffanino (?)
Does anyone notice anything?
They’re role players. Save for Graffanino, they don’t bring much offensively to the table. JT Snow has lost power, otherwise this would be moot. Cora has no power, and above average speed – not Dave Roberts speed. Bard’s a backup catcher, and he’s more of the Mirabelli type, only not as much power. Stern is known for good speed and a good glove, while Mohr’s just your run-of-the-mill backup outfielder (although he’s making a great case for the backup outfield position) but nothing special. Nothing dangerous off the bench.
That’s what’s so great about this. A minor league contract, meaning we can stash him at Triple-A (“Get his legs under him, get him some consistent at-bats”) and when we have an opening or a need, we call him up. And he does what, exactly?
Mash. Mash, and mash, and mash some more. And that’s what we need on the bench, so this signing takes care of that and more importantly, gets us that powerful bat into Triple-A to start. I don’t think you can find a more powerful bat willing to accept a minor league contract extension.
More outfield rumblings in my brain, but let’s wait ’till tomorrow for that, I’ve bumped Andrew down far enough.

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