Prairie Home Companion

Last night, Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News were in Minneapolis. Why? Was there a plane crash? A riot? A tragic natural disaster? A political convention? No no. There was something clearly more important. There was a movie premier, and there were celebrities in town. Real live celebrities!
At the big movie premier, they had a high school marching band and a parade of horse drawn carriages to the theater. The local NBC network spent at least a third of their broadcast covering the travails of Meryl Streep and Garrison Keillor.
And the perception of Minneapolis took at least two steps back.
The Twin Cities have slowly been cultivating the image of an artisic, scholarly, advanced city in the past several decades, and this movie was going to be a symbol that Minneapolis and St. Paul were ready to step into the elite cities of American culture, but instead, how does the local media react?
“YYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW! Them’s movie stars over thar! They’s gonna be in the movies! We’re gon’ be in the movies! Woohoo!”
It’s just one movie. Settle down. You’re making me a little sick.
Excuse me, but I have to go back to my shack and whip up a batch of moonshine.

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