PRE-GAME: Stephen Curry To Wear Elbow Sleeve For Bruised Right Side


WARRIORS PRACTICE FACILITY, OAKLAND, CA — Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry was seen at morning shoot-around today wearing an elbow sleeve. He will wear it tonight when the Warriors face the Houston Rockets in Game 5 of the 2015 Western Conference Finals, a series that Golden State currently leads, 3-1.

The sleeve is to protect his right side, which he fell on getting up-ended by Trevor Ariza in the first half of Game 4.

“My whole right side took the brunt of that force and my head. It’s basically like a bruise all the way up and down my body,” Curry told reporters.

Curry shot well with the sleeve on this morning…

…and admitted he had never shot with one on.

Curry said he did not feel the injury at the time of the impact or at all during Game 4, “because you’re just so amped up and then it all kind of hits you after the game and then today.”

For the most part, it seems Curry is and was fine, even after the game.

“We went to the hotel, we watched a movie, kind of just sat around around hotel room and talked and I was making jokes,” said Curry. “This is something you deal with throughout your career. You run into a screen, you’re going to get hit. You might take a charge or something and get bruised up, but I can deal with that.”

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