PREGAME Sights & Sounds: Warriors (6-2) Slate Night As They Host Charlotte Hornets (4-5)

(Click the left and right arrows on the photo above to scroll through the gallery)

ORACLE ARENA, OAKLAND, CA — It’s all about the new slate — that fancy word for black — uniforms tonight as the Charlotte Hornets pay a visit to #Roaracle to face the Golden State Warriors (preview).


Yesterday after practice, Stephen Curry talked about the new jerseys.

“They sold (black unis) a couple yrs ago. I seen fans coming to the arena with them on. I’m like, ‘Damn, we should wear them in a game!'” Curry said of the attractive black colorways.


Curry said that he didn’t like the sleeve, but also that he wouldn’t be blaming any shooting woes on them.

Steve Kerr was asked if he might change the lineups again now that Andre Iguodala seems to be back in a groove.

“I’m not set with anything at this point,” Kerr said, “What I look at is combinations.”


At #Roaracle pre-game, Brandon Rush was out early and people who were in the stands already got a chance to see the black/slate shorts — click on the left and right arrows on the photo gallery at the top of this article.

Kerr was asked about Marreese Speights in relation to which big man would come off the bench first, the thinking that Fsetus Ezeli could present more of a force against Hornets’ star post up player Al Jefferson.

“He’ll more than likely be the first one off the bench,” Kerr said of Speights, “Mo has played so well that last game I just brought him regardless of the matchups.”

Kerr was also wary of the Hornets being on the second night of a back-to-back: “The fact they won in Phoenix last night, I think they’ll have a bounce to their step.”

Over at the visitors’ locker room, we witnessed som heavy praise for the Warriors by Hornets head coach Steve Clifford.

“They have two guys that you can’t guard one-on-one who are very unselfish,” Clifford said, “The thing right now that’s making a difference to me is Draymond Green, his great shooting has made their offense even more difficult.”

Back in the Warriors’ locker room, we got a close-up look at the slates.

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