Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary

I attended the Puck Drop event today where the new Ottawa Senators heritage jerseys were available for sale as well as a used equipment sale and open practice. I brought my camera along for the ride so I could share the day with readers who couldn’t make it out to the event. It was really well orchestrated and the public seems to be really into these jerseys. I heard nothing but positive things from everyone I spoke with. If you were on the fence about these jerseys before you’ll be a believer when you see them on the shelf. In my opinion the NHL has a new best jersey. These things are nothing short of stellar. Not only do they look great on the a fan, but they look outstanding on the ice. No more talk, just a bunch of photos! Enjoy.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryMade it to the rink around 9a.m. Yes, I was one of those fools who lined up outside the used equipment tent thinking it had something to do with the pre-release festivities. Instead I just froze in line. Listened in on two guys discussing what a bargain the used socks were. I always thought socks and underwear were two items that had one life cycle. Apparently not. After seeing a number of people come to the realization there was nothing in the tent but old gear, I followed their lead. I sheepishly made my way inside the rink and heard a few jokes as I walked past the line. This gem was my favourite, “Sure sucks waiting in line to find and then finding out you didn’t have to.” Thanks fellow Senators fan, for giving me an exact running commentary of what was going on in my head. On we go.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySome banners outside of SBP. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember these being here last year.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySaw this dude walking down the road as we drove in. I really thought he was wearing Crocs. I’m not sure why this guy was at Puck Drop since there’s no need for a new jersey when you’re rocking a flamboyant toga like that. That takes a lot of courage and earns my nod as The Fan of the Foyer.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThese guys were just hanging out in the foyer being photographed. Were they fans or hired by the Senators? Your guess is as good as mine. My brother says to me, “Why is there an SS officer with those Star Wars guys?” Good question.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryI had my cans of food for The Food Bank all ready to go this morning but in the rush to get out of the house on time I forgot them. A cash donation was made instead. Couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of two employees having a snack right in front of the food bank drop-off. The optics couldn’t be any worse.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThe crowd builds inside SBP. See anyone you know? Bonus points for spotting SensChirp and Eklund.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThe Sens Store on the main floor carefully concealed. oddly enough, the 2nd floor Sens Store had the jerseys on a rack in plain view from the main entrance. Not like the visual of these was a surprise or anything. Still good to go through the motions I guess.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryAs soon as we were allowed to go upstairs and make our way to the stands the Sens Store upstairs mistakenly opened it’s doors. I quickly grabbed a shot of what the complete uniform will look like. Not a huge fan of the O on the shorts but whatever. Minor detail. I’ll be too busy drooling over the jersey to care.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryAfter a video montage with Stuntman Stu discussing Nick Foligno’s body odour with several players, the Senators unveiled the jersey. Alfie was the first to skate on the ice wearing the uniform. The legend stands alone.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryA few more Senators join him.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThe loudest cheer of the day had to be when the players tossed t-shirts into the crowd. Honestly, nothing revs up a crowd like the potential for objects being launched in their general direction.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThis is where season ticket holders picked up their jerseys. Since I am not a season ticket holder and opted to pre-order a jersey, I had to go to a different location to receive mind. This was incredibly well set up and we received our jerseys as soon as Alfie took to the ice. Very well organized and absolutely no complaints about the process. Good job Sens Store employees.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThe pre-order container.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary
I call this man lingerie cause it’s just so damn sexy.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary
The scarf.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary
The bald man’s winter equalizer. Yes, I’m allowed to make bald jokes.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary
Anniversary patch.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary
Neat little information pamphlet explaining the jersey. Great that they did this even though they could have just written, “BECAUSE IT LOOKS AMAZING.”

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryA guy came up to me as I was making my way out to ask about the jersey. He had just arrived and wanted to know where he could get one. I told him he wouldn’t be able to take three steps without bumping into one. They were everywhere. These jerseys are going to single handedly improve Ottawa’s standings in the next GQ rankings of the worst dressed cities.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryMade my way into the Sens Store after to check out the new merch. Here’s the lettering and numbering for the jerseys.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryStuffed toy monkeys rocking the new jerseys. I guess chew toys for dogs take priority over making a legitimately cool heritage New Era hat. Wonder how many of these will still be hanging from the same spot on the shelves at the end of the year?

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryAll-Star game teddy bears. For the dog who prefers a chew toy without regional affiliation.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThey had it so close on this t-shirt. Then that damn little spartan logo decided to show it’s head. This shirt would have been exponentially better if there was no logo or the original 1991 logo. Almost bought it but it stayed on the shelf for that very reason.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryNew player jersey t-shirts. These things are awesome. Everyone I went with picked one up. Good job to everyone involved in this.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryHere are the player jersey t-shirts that are available. The Aflie shirt does have the ‘C’ on the chest.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySenators breathe mints. Just in case your breathe stinks as bad as the Sens.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryAll-Star game jerseys from the previous season on display at the main level store. Also seen here is a heritage cap that falls into the ‘So close yet so far away’ category. Shame.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryAll-Star poster (mural? visual 2D installment of large scale?) featuring Karlsson at the 100 level entrance. Very nicely done.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryWestern Conference featured on the opposite side.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryPractice begins.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryNot sure if you can see clearly but there is a Bell logo on the chest on the red jerseys. It’s happening!

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySpartacat gets a makeover. Also looks like he’s lost weight. Anyone know the story on this? I guess horizontal stripes can be slimming after all.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryTook off and went to check out the used equipment sale outside. Best part of the sale was the jersey nameplates. Check out these gems. Radek Hamr kicks it off.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySpeedy Steve Martins!

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryMathieu Chouinard.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryCould this really be…Jody Hull? This day just keeps getting better.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryPatrick Traverse.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryJani Hurme. This would have come home with me if I could have thought of a single practical use for it.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryJaroslav Modry.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryBruce Gardiner. I swear this guy fell every shift.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryMark Stone? Already?

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryJamie Baker.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryI tossed this one across the table to my brother. I told him it wasn’t a nameplate but a slap in the face.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryFrank Musil. Awesome.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryGoalie Pads. $750. Love the barber pole pads in the background. They look super sharp in person.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryHaven’t put on a hockey blocker since my road hockey days. Surprised at how little protection there is around the palm of the hand. Also, these things are hard as rocks. Couldn’t imagine being punched by a goalie wearing one.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryThe socks those guys in line were so excited for. Some have seen better days and those were only the ones on top. You couldn’t pay me enough to root through these to find the right size or a pair in good condition. Still think this is gross. Bet the guys who buy these have collections of celebrity hair too.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryNow these are a pair of hockey pants. Always thought this was a very underrated secondary logo.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryBunch of glove=s. Based on the Stuntman Stu interviews, I can only assume they all stink like Nick Foligno’s stone cold hands.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo Diary$150 skates. After making my way over from the gloves, I realized why they held this sale outside. This stuff just smelled like the frat house carpet from Animal House.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiarySome used sticks for sale. Had to be really careful around the Leclaire. We were really worried if we touched the stick it would have snapped in half or given us a strange dark curse.

Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryMatt Carkner sticks for sale. Good condition, never touched a puck but has been dropped on the ice countless times.


Puck Drop and Heritage Jersey Release Photo DiaryGood things come to those who wait. On the way out I happened to see this jersey. Sensquatch has been spotted. The legend begins.

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