Purple People Apparel

Money is tight during these tough economic times, but even the most die hard of Vikings fans will have a hard time passing up these hot deals for team apparel and paraphernalia! At Purple Jesus Diaries, we will often bring you information and reviews on the newest and best team apparel that no team fanatic can go without!


What do you get for the man in your life that already has everything? A fantastic polo that instantly turns him into the life of the party, that’s what! This short sleeved Hawaiian polo is the perfect solution for the perfect Vikings fan. Be prepared to wear this fetching item during the preseason games in August and under your down jacket during the actual football season. You instantly become the focal point at your indoors tailgating party where everyone will know that you are a proud Vikings fan, not one of those cheese-heads from Wisconsin! And how could they mistake you? Beautifully crafted, this polo is adorned with the famous Viking head logo, as well as the familiar script of the team name. And most importantly, what man would pass up the opportunity to hold your German Sausage in his mouth as the coat tails of this fantastic shirt drape over his sad eyes to hide his drunken homosexual shame in the alleyway behind Wasabi in downtown Minneapolis? That’s right! Imagine the type of cock you’ll be able to grasp with this fashion statement! It will be the perfect complement to your bushy mustache and pedophile eyes, especially if you wear it with a great pair or stone washed Wrangler jorts from Wal Mart. So this summer, work on your farmer’s tan with this fresh item, and feel the tingle in your dingle the minute you catch the fleeting glance from another man in this exclusive Minnesota Vikings team apparel item. Buy now!

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