Quick hits, Titans training camp, Day Two

Just a few quick hits here for now; more to come later.
Albert Haynesworth was on the field this afternoon and his weight looked to be much lighter than my prediction of 350. He has either been working out, dieting, or both during the offseason. He’s in shape but he doesn’t look to be in football shape. But it’s a lot better shape than he’s been in previous years.
Newly-signed Chris Johnson was also on hand for his first practice but didn’t show much. I almost forgot to mention that he was wearing jersey #28 instead of his former #29. I found out later that he paid Chris Carr five Grovers to switch numbers. Neither is a good number, in my opinion. The former players who had those numbers had their share of good plays but also had some baggage.
The most amusing part of the day was when William Hayes was owned on a play, prompting Jim Washburn to say, “William, you’re his bitch,” which drew laughs from the spectators.
Rob Bironas’ leg looks strong. Not only did it look good, it sounded good too. Every kick was accompanied with a loud, authoritative, solid thump.
Unfortunately, I missed a lot of practice. Part of it was spent searching for something I lost at Friday’s practice and some of it had to be spent sitting down. The heat really got to me several times and I had to sit down to avoid heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or whatever the heat was trying to do to me.
I wasn’t the only one who sweated a lot, which was a good thing when riding the shuttle after practice. Anyone there pointing a finger at anyone else for that would have been a pot calling the kettle black.
Instead of just bringing a quart of Gatorade with me to the next practice I attend, I’ll have to be more proactive and drink a bunch of water to be better hydrated before I get there.

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