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Just a quick note here before the links.  While the Celtics were dusting off New Jersey… essentially with the bench… the Hawks were losing to the Miami Heat.  I don’t know how much that means… but I wouldn’t like it if I were in Atlanta.  I mean… the Brockton School of the Blind beat Miami by 20 last week.

Herald:  C’s gear up for postseason  |  Talk of Doc extension put on hold  |  Prophetic Pierce knew better days were here  |  Globe:  Celtics finish in style  |  Hawks talking a good game  |  Pierce: time to play some real basketball  |  Megliola: Celtics playoff drive set to begin  |  Camerato Courtside: C’s end season with win 66  |  T&G:  Rondo earns 6th Star  |  Celts net win 66  |  Patriot Ledger:  Europe Trip jelled Celts (just a note:  I wrote about the same thing in December)  |  TrueHoop:  $43 season tickets in Minnesota?  |  SI:  Knicks lose 59th game

the celtics

(Getty Images Photo)

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