Quick Update on Duck Hunting Season

We have been getting a lot of traffic today from our soon to be neighbors addictedtoquack.com, the Oregon blog over at SB Nation.

I went over to check out our fellow blog, and took the constructive criticism I recieved in this post to heart, so I decided to take a look at their analysis so that I could learn from the best.

I went and looked at the charts that they used so that perhaps I could use them in the future, since they are apparently better than what I threw together.

Buckeye Nation take notice, The Buckeye Battle Cry speaks for you.
Buckeye Nation take notice, The Buckeye Battle Cry speaks for you.

You can observe the charts here for defense, and here for offense.

I called this update quick, so I don’t want to go in depth talking about those charts, perhaps some other time. But basically the guys over at quack are using the charts to say that Oregon’s defense is better than they are given credit for (specifically by me in this instance, and apparently I speak for all of Buckeye Nation… sweet).

But anyways, those charts rank Oregon 15th overall defensively and 14th overall offensively, which is fine and good.

What I noticed is that Penn State is ranked 9th defensively and 13th offensively in those same charts, both of which, you will note, are better than Oregon.

So if we are operating under the assumption that these charts are truly an accurate assessment of a team’s offensive and defensive capabilities, first rate even, as our soon to be colleagues over at quack seem to think, Penn State is better than Oregon on offense and on defense.

Ohio State beat the shit out of Penn State 24-7 in Happy Valley, an environment that was certainly more hostile to the Buckeyes than the Rose Bowl will be.

So, where does that leave us? and whose analysis is second rate?

That is all, enjoy your weekend everyone!

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