Raising Red Sox Fans

Raising Red Sox FansThis is the story of how I met Zachary, a 4 year old Red Sox fan.

When the Sox come to Oakland, I usually drive to a rapid transit station about 10 miles from the Oakland Coliseum, oops, excuse me, McAfee Coliseum and take the train the rest of the way. There are usually just as many, if not more, Sox fans on the train than A’s fans judging from the colors worn. Everyone is civil, no trash talking. A couple of stops after I get on, a young family gets on and takes a seat opposite me. We all have our Sox gear on. The little boy’s name is Zachary and for some strange reason, his favorite player is Johnny Demon. The parents have not been able to figure that one out yet, after all, he’s only 4 years old and who knows what’s going on in those little minds. I was about to find out. The parents said, “Hey Zach! The Red Sox….”
And then I chimed in, “and the yankees….”
Without skipping a beat, Zach yells, “SUCK!”
Aahh, out of the mouths of babes….

Well, not only did I not have the camera with me (I have a TEEnage daughter), I neglected to bring my cards with me. I told them to do a search for ‘Fenway West’, and you’ll find me there. Send me a photo of yourselves at the game, and maybe I’ll use it. Well, I haven’t heard from them, so I’m using a photo of another young Red Sox fan, most likely taken at a yankee game.

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