Raptors 2012 Training Camp – Halifax – Day 2 (Videos)

Day 2 of Toronto Raptors 2012 Training Camp is in the books, and camp is getting more and more intense as players battle for roster positions. After the evening practice on Day 2 you could sense that the players were increasingly focused and wanted to prove to Coach Casey and the rest of the Raptors coaching staff that they deserve one of the 15 coveted roster spots.

As we mentioned prevoiusly, we spoke with Terrence Ross after Day 1 of Toronto Raptors 2012 Training Camp. We discussed being an NBA rookie, his time in training camp thus far, his thoughts about Halifax, and for some levity – his preference of basketball shoes:


On Day 2 of training camp we also spoke 1-on-1 with DeMar DeRozan, Ed Davis, Jose Calderon, and Jamaal Magloire.

Here’s our chat with Ed Davis, asking  about his preparation in the off-season, his thoughts on this year’s Raptors squad and the stiffened competition in the Atlantic Division & Eastern conference, and one of my favourite things to ask players this week – what they like to wear for kicks on court 🙂


We here at HoopHeadsNorth.com were also a part of the media availability/Q&A for Coach Casey, Kyle Lowry, and Andrea Bargnani. Check out the full video for each one at Raptors.com (direct links below):

Head coach Dwane Casey speaks with the media on day two of Raptors training camp in Halifax on Wednesday.

Kyle Lowry speaks with the media following day 2 of Raptors training camp in Halifax.

Andrea Bargnani speaks with the media following day two of Raptors training camp in Halifax.

Stay tuned over the next few days for more videos & coverage from Training camp, and the Intra-Squad game!

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