Raptors 2012 Training Camp – Halifax – Day 4 recap (Videos)

Day 4, the final day, of practices during the Toronto Raptors 2012 Training Camp in Halifax, Nova Scotia have come to a close. More than one player told us that this was the most intense and difficult training camp they had been through in their NBA careers! Raptors Head coach Dwane Casey is certainly putting them through their paces in preparation of the 2012-13 NBA season.

Today, Saturday October 6th, at noon is the Toronto Raptors Intra-Squad game at the Halifax Metro Centre which is open to the public. We are anxious to see the team out on the floor, who will be matched up with who, and how each player performs. Coach Casey said that he expects to switch up the teams at half time of the intra-squad game and that he is more concerned with execution and performances, not so much which squad wins or loses.

Coach Casey spoke with the media after the morning practice on Day 4 of Training Camp.

Also on Day 4 of practice, we we spoke with Jerel McNeal, Chris Wright, John Lucas III, Linas Kleiza, and Dominic McGuire. We discussed the rigors of training camp, their thoughts on this year’s squad, their thoughts about the city of Halifax, and we had some fun talking about Quincy Acy’s birthday (which is today, Saturday October 6th!) and Canadian Thanksgiving. We’ll have those Day 4 videos up throughout the weekend so stay tuned!

On Thursday, Day 3, Romy Aquino & U-E Sampang spoke with Aaron Gray, Amir Johnson, and Jonas Valanciunas after the lone practice in the morning practice, before the Raptors went out to enjoy the sights and history of Halifax. Check them out below.

Romy Aquino & U-E Sampang speak with Aaron Gray after Day 3 of Training Camp:


Romy Aquino & U-E Sampang speak with Amir Johnson after Day 3 of Training Camp:


U-E Sampang & Romy Aquino speak with Jonas Valanciunas after Day 3 of Training Camp:


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