Ray Allen was recently getting some late summer run in at his alma-mater, UConn, with fellow Husky Donny Marshall. Dom Amore of the Hartford Courant caught up with Ray before he could sneak out and got a few tidbits from him, with the following being the most interesting:
After several games, Allen say and held court for a good long time with Jeremy Lamb at his right elbow, soaking it all in. Allen, who is preparing for the NBA season with the mind-set the lockoutwill end and Celtics camp will begin on time, will be back at UConn a few more times this week. He wants to do some one-on-one work with Lamb and Roscoe Smith among others.
"I want to show them how to get into the rhythm, the template of being a shooting guard," Allen said.
I'm just wondering if this was before or after yesterday's negotiation breakdown. As always though Ray is keeping in optimal shape, seemingly keeping pace with Father Time.
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