Really Late Thursday Links

Some more links to pass to you tonight.

TV Week gives us the final national ratings for sports last week.

Paulsen notes that right after the news about Greg Oden being lost for the season, ESPN quickly dropped the Portland Trail Blazers opener from its schedule. And he adds that the ratings for the WNBA Finals on ESPN2 are quickly approaching the levels of the Stanley Cup Finals and David Beckham appearances.

Neil Best in Newsday reports in his blog that YES is cablecasting in HD again.

Ted Hearn of Multichannel News reports that in a filing to the FCC, NFL Network has accused Comcast of favoring channels it owns and giving the NFL unfavorable channel positions, and thus, unfavorable economic conditions.

ESPN tells us what features they’re going to show on Sunday NFL Countdown and Monday Night Countdown.

The Orbitcast blog reports that UFC Fighter Matt Arroyo will be on Bubba the Love Sponge’s show on Sirius next week.

In his Farther Off the Wall blog, the LA Daily News’ Tom Hoffarth has his take on 10 year old Jason Krause who made his debut on ESPN’s Sunday NFL Countdown show. Most of the sports media critics I’ve read have killed the kid. Hoffarth seems to like him.

Danielle Sessa of Bloomberg News Service writes that has signed a deal with CineSport that allows MLB highlights to be shown on other media websites. If you head over the CineSport site, you’ll notice that it just started to show MLB highlights. It also has deals with NASCAR and the NHL.

The World Series of Video Games
has shut down. Believe it or not, WSVG had a deal to air four shows on CBS, MTV and CSTV. It had aired only one show on CBS earlier this summer and then, suddenly ceased operation this week. Ben Fritz of Variety tries to make sense of it all.

Ok, that’s it. I’m already seeing the Friday sports media stories being posted on the web. I’ll wait until Friday morning to give you those links.

Before I forget, I noticed this earlier today and have received a few e-mails asking me if I know anything. I don’t. The 38Cliches blog, the one that tracks Red Sox announcer Glenn Geffner is down. It’s been down all day today and I hope LC hasn’t been pressured to remove it. If anyone knows LC, please let him know I’m asking about him. He’s been a supporter of Fang’s Bites since I re-started this blog in May and I’ve linked to him regularly since. I hope he’s ok. 38Cliches has been a regular stop for me since he began his blog in February. LC, if you’re reading this, please let me know all is well.

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