Reasons for optimism and worry for Tulane’s 2016 season

After coach Willie Fritz unveiled Tulane’s re-done uniforms via Twitter last week, the Big Easy got another reason to look forward to September. How much stock should the people of New Orleans put into their team though? After all, it isn’t just Tulane’s jerseys that have seen a makeover.

Not to rehash what’s been discussed time and time again this offseason by nearly every sports media outlet, but it cannot be ignored, although Tulane’s football squad is entering a new era, it is an era of uncertainty.

Reasons for the Green Wave faithful to be eager:

As the old saying goes, a saying that’s been perhaps too often uttered by Tulane fans lately, there’s always next year. Well, this is next year for Green Wave football and, at least to some extent, Wave fans should be excited.

A new coach is the cornerstone to a new start. Although Curtis Johnson’s time spent in New Orleans was well-received, the hiring of Fritz has college football enthusiasts in Louisiana (who aren’t LSU fans) buzzing. After revamping his coaching staff and recruiting heavily from within the state, Fritz has done his share of behind-the-scenes work to at least set the team up for the chance at success come fall.

Much of a team’s on-field triumphs hinge around the running back position. Last season, Tulane’s ground game tallied 11 rushing touchdowns and was led by Dontrell Hilliard and Sherman Badie, neither of whom have left the team. One would imagine that the Green Wave won’t see any drop off in performance here.

Reasons for the Green Wave faithful to be cautious:

While it is exciting to imagine the possibilities of a new season right now, before any games have been played, it is important for Tulane fans to stay down here on Earth.

In a perfect world, Fritz is the godsend this team needed and it will run through every opponent with ease en route to an AAC championship. In a realistic world, this is a team coming off of a 3-9 season where it finished near the bottom of the conference. Dynasties aren’t built overnight.

The passing attack should be a looming, ominous cloud in the minds of Tulane fans and personnel alike. As it stands, there is no clear answer to who will be under center come Week 1 and how well the young Green Wave receivers will be able to perform under the pressure that a college football game brings. Growing pains in this department are inevitable.

If the old mantra “defenses win championships” is true, then the 2016 Tulane season could be a long one. Last year, the Wave averaged just above one turnover per game and giving up an alarming four touchdowns per contest. While changes have been made to the defensive unit, no one can know for sure if they are the right changes.

All of that being said, there’s no reason to throw in the towel on 2016 before the gridiron is even hit. Pleasant surprises are always a possibility, Green Wave fans just shouldn’t bank on them. Don’t be surprised if you see improvement with Tulane; the talent is there. The best thing the Wave and its fans can do as summer progresses is be cautiously optimistic.

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