RedsArmy presents FanFriday #4: “The Facepaint Fanatic”


I first met Brett and his family in 2008. He had season tickets one row in front of my sister's in Section 18. There's no hiding Brett's fandom. He comes to each game in a green wig, headband, C's jersey, shorts-even green socks. He then goes and gets his face-painted at the Garden's face-painting table to complete the look.

Very rarely do Brett and his family miss a game, and he and his sons are always doing everything they can to cheer on the C's and keep the crowd active. Check out this great sign Brett's son held-up for Lebron during last year's playoffs. Brett starts trying to get people involved before he even enters the building, as seen here.  Even during some of last year's struggles, when boos were heard at the Garden during a few ugly losses, Brett & his family stayed behind the team, unlike some longer-tenured season-ticket holders.

You see, Brett isn't one of these fairweather fans that come to the Garden now & then. He comes to every game. Oh..and did I mention he lives in Connecticut? That's right-Brett, his wife and sons, they drive in from Connecticut. I asked Brett about the drive and if it gets tiring, and he said: "No way-anything for the Celtics." 

But "bringing it" at the TD Garden is not enough for Brett. He brings the show on the road too. Last year, he went to the Q in Cleveland during the height of LebronMania. And you better believe he wore the wig, the face paint and the whole nine. It's guys like Brett that do CelticNation proud. Guys like Brett are why opposing teams don't like coming to play at the Garden. It truly is "The Jungle."

check out Brett in action during last year's playoffs (0:35)


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