RedsArmy Rewind: Tommy Wants to Fight Chuck Person

We've all been moving in, as they say in the movie Spaceballs, "Ludicrous Speed" since the lockout ended.  Since then, neon green ooze has been drenched over the entire NBA, creating some mutant form attempting to resemble a training camp/free agency time frame.  Let's take a couple of minutes to enjoy some comic relief from our beloved Tommy Heinsohn.  The RedsArmy Rewind machine (sort of like the George Michael Sports Machine but not really) take us back to Game 4 of the 1991 Eastern Conference First Round against the Indiana Pacers.

Some background first to set up the clip: The C's took a 2-1 series lead just a few days prior at Market Square Arena after the Pacers shocked them at Boston Garden in Game 2, behind Chuck Person's 849 points and 37 threes.  There was a lot of trash talking by Person before, during and after games.  Naturally, Tommy wasn't shy in showing his disdain for Person.  Take a close listen as Person goes to the announcers table and clearly does, well, something to bother Tommy and Bob Cousy:


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