(Pictured: I’ll Have Another (as far as you know))
A lot of people have jobs that get hazard pay. Oil workers, for example. That’s one of the things about horses and their racing. They can make a lot of money, but if they so much as chip a hoof, it’s off to the glue factory!
I’ll Have Another retired today, rather than go after the Triple Crown in tomorrow’s Belmont because of tendon injury. Don’t cry for him, though, because now he will be put out to stud. You mean, instead of racing, potentially breaking a leg and being euthanized, he gets to roam a field, scoring with mares? And he is being brought mares with the express purpose of getting it on?
No, don’t feel bad for I’ll Have Another. He probably didn’t really care about racing anyways. His handlers are going to get a ton of money by bringing him some horse babes. Don’t feel too bad for anyone involved.
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