RFQ Proposals for LeBreton Flats Redevelopment Are In

RFQ Proposals for LeBreton Flats Redevelopment Are In

With the conclusion of today’s noon deadline for the submission of request for qualifications (RFQs) for the plan to redevelop LeBreton Flats, the NCC revealed this afternoon that five proposals were submitted.

According to the NCC’s website, the organization will begin the evaluation process.

“The solicitation process is intended to prequalify two to five proponents. Once the NCC’s Board of Directors have ratified the prequalified proponents, they will be announced in March 2015.”

The NCC’s evaluation committee is comprised of three NCC executive staff, planner and land economist Mark Conway and architect A.J. Diamond.

“The vetted and accepted proponents will be announced in March, once the NCC’s board ratifies the committee’s decisions, and will then be invited to submit requests for proposals.”

From that point, the Ottawa Citizen indicated that:

“The pre-qualified proponents will then have until August 2015 to submit detailed design and financial proposals, which will be displayed publicly to get feedback.

The current timetable calls for the recommended proposal to go to the NCC’s board for approval in November, with cabinet sign-off in early 2016.”

Considering the NCC extended its deadline for submissions an extra month, it’s somewhat surprising to see that there were only five proposals submitted. I expected more.

I suppose that’s good news for the Senators who confirmed in a pre-Christmas press release that confirmed their “submission to the National Capital Commission’s (NCC) Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the redevelopment of LeBreton Flats.”

The Senators have not commented or shared any details of their submission, but back in December, the Senators confirmed to the Citizen‘s Joanne Chianello that they had beenapproached by numerous well-established private sector companies and community organizations who have expressed a strong desire to partner with us on developing a world-class proposal for the site.”

It remains unclear what will happen in the event that the NCC finds none of the proposals suitable, but hopefully a list of the proponents will leak prior to March’s announcement.

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