Ric Flair Says He Had Sex with Slugger’s Ex-Wife


On New Year’s Eve 1992, then-Atlanta Braves slugger David Justice married actress Halle Berry. A little more than three years later, the pair separated and eventually divorced.

Enter professional wrestling icon Ric Flair.

According to the Nature Boy himself, the eventual Academy Award-winning actress once took a ride on “Space Mountain”. For those of you not familiar with Flair and his bravado, “Space Mountain” is the term the 16-time World Champ uses when he references his, well, Little Ric.


From the Ric Flair Show:

Conrad Thompson: Any celebrity riders of Space Mountain?
Ric Flair: Several dozen.
Thompson: Are we going to get any names?
Flair: Do you want me to start with Halle Berry?
Thompson: Oh! Halle Berry rode Space Mountain?
Flair: (Laughs) Of course she did. She was in Atlanta and she had just gotten divorced from Dave Justice.
Thomson: Wait, are you telling a real story right now?
Flair: Would I have to make up a lie?

Or if you would prefer to listen.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hOmfCF6_yo]
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