Rick Nash’s List of Teams He’d Be Willing to Waive NMC For: Ottawa’s Not on It

Rick Nash's List of Teams He'd Be Willing to Waive NMC For: Ottawa's Not on It6THSENS EXCLUSIVE: actual picture of list

The latest Rick Nash news comes courtesy of Aaron Portzline from the Columbus Dispatch:

The New York Rangers, San Jose and Ottawa are potential destinations, too, but strike the Rangers from that list if they land Parise during free agency. The Dispatch has learned that Ottawa is not on the list of teams that Nash would waive his no-trade clause for, so he would have to alter the list before any trade could go through.

For those of you who are actually holding out hope that an aging, expensive, very good but never elite player like Nash could be convinced to come to the nation’s capital, you can take solace in the fact that Dany Heatley is no longer around to make that pitch.

Rick Nash's List of Teams He'd Be Willing to Waive NMC For: Ottawa's Not on It
Of course, if you watched the first round of the 2012 NHL Draft on Friday night, you unmistakingly heard Darren Dreger’s candid skepticism that Rick Nash would agree to waive that NMC to come to Ottawa.

Now maybe Nash may eventually be open to entertaining such a possibility, especially after other trade candidates like Carolina and Philadelphia peddled a number of young assets at the Draft, but it could take awhile. Fans shouldn’t so easily dismiss his resolve. Remember, this is a player who played through the bulk of nine seasons expecting management to bring him a number one center before he finally lost patience and asked for a trade.

Justin Schultz’s Exclusive Negotiating Window Ends at Midnight

As I’ve already written in other pieces, money is not going to be an issue in negotiations with Schultz. At its core, Schultz’s decision is going to come down to comfort with an organization and opportunity. Personally, if I was Bryan Murray, I’d point to Ottawa’s need on the blue line while alluding to the success that Erik Karlsson had thriving in a Paul MacLean system that allowed offensive defencemen to play creatively. It’s a long-shot but Schultz is a Newport client, whom Ottawa does seem to get along with quite well.

Murray Talking to Team’s Own UFAs

According to the Ottawa Sun‘s Don Brennan, Murray said a couple of his unrestricted free agents have rejected offers. “I don’t think today’s the day the day to announce that.

Some of Ottawa’s unrestricted free agents were lucky to get offers.

Murray Still Looking to Get Rid of Gonchar?

There was an interesting tidbit of news within a separate Don Brennan article that indicated the Senators were kicking the tires on acquiring Milan Michalek’s brother, Zbynek Michalek – who ultimately, was dealt back to Phoenix for merely Harrison Ruopp, Marc Cheverie and a 2012 third round pick.

Of note was one particular quote from Bryan Murray:

“He told me what the contract was and what he was going to do, and I said, ‘That’s great, but unless you take an equal contract back, I can’t do it,’ ” Murray told the Sun Saturday. “So I was never really in it.” 

Scott had wrote about the possibility of a Zbynek MIchalek trade last week, and Ottawa’s long-running interest in this player. Keeping in mind there is some debate as to how good the czech d-man is.

With a roster that’s devoid of many bad contracts, it’s easy to deduce that the player that Murray was looking to move was Sergei Gonchar. While the news that the organization is looking to move Gonchar’s salary is hardly new, it does give us a little insight into the process itself. With the exception of Gonchar and Phillips, the Senators’ blue line is devoid of NHL experience and the Senators will have to acquire some via trade or free agency. Reading into the fact that Murray’s confident enough to move Gonchar’s minutes and salary, I have to believe that management must believe that they have some inside track on acquiring a top four defenceman – the much rumoured Niclas Hjalmarsson perhaps…

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