Ring Of Honor ‘Manhattan Mayhem’ LIVE Results


Welcome to The Floor Seat’s LIVE Coverage of Ring of Honor’s Manhattan Mayhem 2019!

The event comes live from the world famous Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City and features a World Championship match, as well as a World Tag Team Championship match!


Dragon Lee vs. Jonathan Gresham

Gresham asks for the Code of Honor at the beginning of the match and Lee accepted, then the two men began trading move for move. They worked to establish control of the bout as the New York crowd applauded their efforts.

Lee and Gresham stared down in the middle of the ring for a chop-off, which soon broke down into hard slaps across the neck. Gresham hit an uncharacteristic low blow while the referee’s back was turned, then took over in the match.

The questionable tactics continued, as Gresham actually taunted the crowd and argued with the ref. Dragon Lee remained down throughout the exchange, as Gresham remained on the offensive. Lee finally made a comeback, but Gresham answered almost immediately. They began trading shots again in the middle, which led to a flurry of action between the two men.

Lee sat on the top turnbuckle and asked Gresham to take his best shot. Dragon Lee then came off the top with a double stomp, followed by a running knee strike. Lee took his kneepad down, nailed Gresham with another running knee and this one is over.

Winner: Dragon Lee

ROH World champion Matt Taven is out next, wearing a Boston Red Sox jersey. He entered the ring and cut a promo, reminding the crowd of the G1 Supercard, when he won the World Championship. He then talked about throwing out the first pitch at Fenway Park in Boston, which obviously drew even more heat for him.

Taven then said that the heat between him and Jay Lethal would come to an end tonight. Taven said he was ready to prove the critics and the haters wrong. The lights suddenly went out and Kenny King hit the stage.

King came out and told Taven that he didn’t care who the champ beat. King said it’s the new Ring of Honor and that it was time for them to do some “unpredictable s**t!” King wants in the World title match and Taven then listed off all the names he’s beaten so far. Matt would be happy to beat him as well and King smiled, saying only “see you later.”

An enraged Jay Lethal came out and confronted Taven, leading to a massive pull-apart that include ROH security.

Coast 2 Coast vs. S.O.S (Sons of Savagery) vs. The Bouncers


The match started off at a slow pace, with all three teams working to gain an advantage. Quick tags and preliminary moves soon gave way to some high impact collisions however, as things began to heat up.

Brian Milonas from The Bouncers and Moses from the SOS soon began a war in the middle of the ring. It was a massive play for dominance as each man tried to take the other off his feet. This led to Moses and Kaun taking over, but the entire bout soon broke down in a melee outside the ring.

The Sons of Savagery put The Beer City Bruiser through a ringside table and referee Brian Hebner suddenly threw the SOS out of the match. The bout continued however, as the crowd were indeed surprised by this turn of events.

Coast 2 Coast took their shot at The Bouncers, but it was to no avail.

Winners: The Bouncers

The Kingdom’s TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia came out and attacked The Bouncers, then grabbed two steel chairs. They sat down in the middle of the ring and cut a promo, as Marseglia smoked a cigar. The say that they should be the No.1 Contenders for the ROH World Tag Team Championships, not The Bouncers.

Then Marseglia put out his cigar on The Beer City Bruiser’s chest. O’Ryan then called out RUSH and this next match is on!


TK O’Ryan vs. RUSH

O’Ryan and RUSH each began in a frenzy, with both men hitting one move after another. RUSH was the definite crowd favorite, as O’Ryan fought to gain an upper hand. TK began playing some mind games with RUSH, sliding in and out of the ring.

O’Ryan hit RUSH with a headbutt, which instantly turned the tide. O’Ryan took over and kept up the offense, as the fans began to rally behind RUSH. O’Ryan hit the Three Amigos suplexes, then mocked Eddie Guerrero, as the crowd booed him for it.

RUSH fought to regain a vertical base, but O’Ryan did not let up. TK began taunting RUSH, but RUSH then asked for another shot. RUSH stood up face to face with O’Ryan, then the two men began brawling once again. RUSH took O’Ryan outside the ring, slamming him into all four sides of the ring barrier.

The crowd was definitely invested, as RUSH hit his Los Ingobernables salute, then came back into the ring on O’Ryan.he naked TK with a kick, then tossed O’Ryan into the corner, which led to a running double stomp from RUSH and this one is over.

Winner: RUSH


RUSH celebrated at ringside with the fans, then gave his LIJ fist bump to a masked fan in the front row. The fan suddenly jumped over the rail and attacked RUSH, nailing him with one shot after another. He tossed RUSH into the ring and hit him with his own finisher. The fan removed his mask and it was actually Dalton Castle.

Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King, ROH World Championship Match

King is out first, followed by Lethal and then Taven All three men stood in the middle of the ring for the Code of Honor, but King refused to shake Lethal’s hand. Taven took a seat outside the ring, while Lethal and King went to work in the ring.

Taven soon got involved and the Triple Threat was officially underway. Lethal and King resumed their feud in the ring and Taven inserted himself whenever he could. The match was high octane, with no wasted movement and very little time to slow down.

Taven took over on King, but Lethal came in and stacked both men in the corner. Lethal hit a running dropkick on them and then went for the pin on Taven, but the champ was too close to the ropes.

Lethal and Taven soon squared off in the ring, trading shots until Jay stood tall. The match then began to slow down, as Lethal was in full control. The trio then traded punches in the middle, as all three were weak-kneed. The spot ended with King taking everyone out.

Lethal hit three dives through the ropes onto Taven and King on the outside of the ring. This led to all three men getting back in the ring, as Lethal and then Taven, each took turns getting King in the Figure-4. Lethal came off the top rope for a diving elbow, but King rolled over and reversed the Figure-4.

The offense continued from all three men, as high spots were running rampant. The crowd was into the match, as King began working hard to get the win. But Taven and Lethal would not be denied, as Jay hit Taven with the Lethal Injection but the champ kicked out.

The crowd was stunned when Taven kicked out and even though King came back for a near-fall, Taven managed to get the pin.

Winner and still ROH World champion: Matt Taven

Jay Lethal stood in the middle of the ring and offered his hand to Taven. Taven accepted, but then kicked Jay between the legs. The crowd aired down the hate on Taven, as the champ left with his title.

Lifeblood and PJ Black vs. Villain Enterprises

This is Flip Gordon’s debut match with Villain Enterprises and the quartet looks ready for war. The bout was slow and methodical, with both teams testing the waters. Finally former friends and tag team partners Gordon and Bandido ended up in the ring face to face.

But Gordon flipped off Bandido, then tagged Brody King. King came in and hit some incredible top rope moves on Bandido, as the crowd roared its approval.


Lifeblood soon took over in the match and all four men worked well together as they isolated Marty Scurll in the ring. Mark Haskins, Bandido, Tracy Williams and PJ Black all hit quick tags in and out against Marty.

But Scurll finally got some assistance, as King dove over the top rope onto Lifeblood. PCO then hit his own dive over the top and the crowd went wild. Villain Enterprises is in full control now, with all four men working together. Flip is wearing a heavy brace on his left arm and is not using that arm, due to the injury he sustained the night he joined Villain Enterprises.

Williams eventually turned the tables on Scurll, then tagged out to Bandido. But he rand into Brody, who manhandled him. But Bandido avoided King, then PCO. Bandido caught PCO off the top rope and then hit a diving move onto Villain Enterprises on the floor. Williams then grabbed a steel chair and chased Gordon to the back.

Tracy came back, but Flip remained out of the picture. Haskins then took over, hitting PCO and King with a flurry of offense. But the match then broke down, as PCO hit a diving backflip off the top rope. He was then hit with a. Sunset Bomb on the ring apron from Bandido!

King was then the man in charge and went for the win, but Lifeblood worked together once again. The numbers game was a bit too much for Brody, as Lifeblood got the victory.

Winners: Lifeblood and PJ Black

The Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Briscoes, ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

It’s the main event! The Bullet Club’s G.O.D defending the world titles against Jay and Mark Briscoe and this match is already beginning with weapons. Singapore canes abound and it’s a fever pitch for both sides.

The crowd is raucous and both teams are amped up, as the fight happens inside and outside the ring. Tables are now part of the action, as Mark goes through two different ones on the floor. This war is brutal and it’s not for the faint of heart, as the crowd is completely invested in every move that happens.

Neither team can gain an advantage for very long, but The Briscoes are working hard to deliver the insanity as only they can. But Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa are back on the offensive. They are definitely the crowd favorites at any given point in this brawl.

Jay takes a stiff kendo stick on the top of the head from Tama, as The Briscoes are now on the defensive. The G.O.D go for the Magic Killer, but Jay and Mark reverse, hitting the Redneck Boogie for a near three-count.

Another table is out and The Briscoes are once again the ones to set it up. Jay and Mark are working together to stay on top, but Tama and Tanga are back up and taking over.

Jay Briscoe is plaid on the table and Tanga powerbombs Mark on top of him, sending both brothers crashing through the table. The G.O.D is in full control now and it’s not looking good for The Briscoes.

Tanga wnet for a powerbomb off the second rope, but Mark reversed into a Hurricanrana. The led The Briscoes to regain the upper hand and Mark pulled a steel ladder out from underneath the ring. Jay mounted Tama on his shoulders and Mark came off the top rope with a dive, sending Tonga through a table!

There’s no coming back from that, as The Briscoes are now the 11-time ROH World Tag Team champions!

Winners: The Briscoes 

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