Rosenthal Plays the Race Card

Rosenthal Plays the Race CardFox’s vertically challenged sideline reporter Ken Rosenthal wrote a piece today saying free agents might avoid the Red Sox because they look like a bunch of whiteys:

“The question is whether the Red Sox will lose players they want because of the makeup of their club, the perception of the city or both. Players generally seek comfort as well as money when they make career decisions.”

Is Rosenthal suggesting that players can’t get play with people that are not in their own race? It sure looks like that to me. He also added the Manny trade to his argument:

“Yet, fairly or not, Ramirez’s messy divorce with the Red Sox could raise suspicions that the team prefers a certain type of player — unassuming, conformist, white. The current makeup of the team’s roster might create similar notions, even as the Red Sox say that nothing could be further from the truth.”

Rosenthal tries to ride the fence in his article by saying race is an issue and it is not an issue. Yes the Sox have a lot of white players, yes the Sox had a history of racial problems during the Yawkey years but I don’t know anyone other than Ken Rosenthal that thinks the Red Sox are trying to be a “white” team. If he really thinks that is the case he should come out and say it fully and if a player won’t come to Boston because of this issue let them say it out in the open.

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