Round 1: The Red Wings

Well, we now know who we will face in the first round:


And I say BRING IT!

We are not afraid of no stinkin’ Red Wings! We can beat the Red Wings. The only thing that I am not looking forward to is their fans ruining our first Whiteout at the job. This is a big thing for the fans here. We want all white. We don’t want any red taking over the arena, or at least attempting to take it over. They are some of the most obnoxious fans. I’m glad that I won’t be there to see that. But then again, I really really really want to go to a playoff game! ARGH It’s so very frustrating. I stuck with this team through the Moyes years and when they are finally playing well and going to the playoffs, I can’t go.

In other news, Flyers made it into the playoffs by beating the Rangers in a shootout. Woohoo!

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